Austrian Transition to Open Access 2

The Austrian Transition to Open Access 2 (AT2OA2) project is a joint initiative pursed by all Austrian state universities, the Danube University Krems, the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, and the Institute of Science and Technology Austria. AT2OA2 like its predecessor project (AT2OA), has established the primary goal to support and drive the transformation from closed to open access in the field of scientific publishing. The following open access topics and fields of action will be addressed in five sub-projects:

•    Increase the number of transformative contracts with scientific publishers
•    Establish a national datahub for performing negotiations and open access monitoring
•    Erhebung und Analyse von Publikationskosten an österreichischen Universitäten
•    Create information infrastructure to address the problem area of predatory publishing
•    Investigate the visibility of open access publications by using alternative metrics (altmetrics)
